personal-safety1-2Personal Safety

The most important aspect of keeping safe outside the home comes down to paying attention to your surroundings, and the potential threats in it. Texting while walking is a Bad Guy’s dream because it identifies you as a Soft Target. Since you are not Aware of potential danger signs while texting, you do not have the time to react to protect yourself, or flee.

Most people’s daily activities take them into a variety of environments and situations and find themselves coming in contact with a variety of people. You may be familiar with some of these environments and people and consider them to be generally safe. Other environments may be less familiar to you and possibly make you feel less comfortable. This is where it is critical that you pay strict attention to the 4 Levels Of Awareness.

The Not A Soft Target Personal Protection Program will teach you and your family practical and fully comprehensive techniques to keep you safe while away from home!
