Vehicle Safety
Many people consider their automobiles to be a safe and secure way to transport themselves, their families and friends and their stuff from one place to another. This is not always the case. You need to always be in your Alert State Of Awareness while approaching your vehicle, driving your vehicle and leaving your vehicle.
Because some people feel a false sense of security while in their vehicles, they are particularly susceptible to Bad Guys that have theft, assault, or worse in mind.
The most common crimes committed in parking lots are stranger-on-stranger purse snatch and strong-arm robbery, and occasionally carjacking and abductions. If you think about it, we are all strangers in a large parking lot. Bad Guys can blend in with the rest of us and get in close proximity, fairly easily.
The Not A Soft Target Personal Protection Program will teach you advanced techniques that you can follow to make sure that you and your family are safe when approaching your vehicle, while driving your vehicle, and when departing your vehicle!